How Astrology can be explored to get happiness

Astrology is a belief system that suggests a connection between planets magnetic field and human life, activities and natural phenomenon that have an impact on human beings. While many people find happiness and guidance through astrology, it's important to approach it with a critical and open mind. Here are a few ways where astrology can be explored to potentially enhance happiness:

  • Self-awareness and reflection: Astrology gives self-reflection by examining the qualities and tendencies associated with your birth chart, which is calculated based on your birth date, time, and place. Exploring your birth chart can help you gain insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for personal growth. By understanding yourself better, you can make informed decisions and focus on activities that align with your true nature and thereby you achieve greater happiness.
  • Identifying strengths and talents: Astrology can indicate your inherent strengths and talents. By recognizing and working on these qualities, you can focus your energy on activities and on your natural talent that bring you joy and fulfilment and success in life. For example, if your birth chart suggests creativity and artistic abilities, you might find happiness in pursuing artistic activities. If there is very strong relationship between mercury and Jupiter and full power of moon then the person can excel in the field of economics, commerce and business analyst.
  • Timing and life cycles: Astrology gives lots of importance on planetary movements and their influence on different aspects of life. It suggests that certain periods may be more favourable for specific activities or goals. By understanding these astrological cycles, you can align your actions with all your positive energies thereby potentially increasing the likelihood of success and sense of fulfilment and contentment.
  • Spiritual growth: Astrology is often associated with spiritual practices and beliefs. Exploring astrology can offer a pathway to connect with a higher power or universal consciousness, which some individuals find fulfilling and spiritually enriching. Engaging in spiritual practices, such as meditation or introspection of conscious breathing, based on astrological insights and position of sun and moon, can contribute to a sense of inner peace and perfect health and happiness.
  • Community and connection: Astrology has a vast community of enthusiasts who share their knowledge, experiences, and insights. Engaging with like-minded individuals can create a sense of belonging and provide opportunities for discussion, learning, and personal growth. Connecting with others who share their interest in astrology can enhance a person’s happiness through the support and companionship that comes from a shared passion.

However, astrology is a subjective belief system, and it differs from person to person. It's essential to approach it as a tool for self-reflection and personal growth rather than relying solely on astrological predictions or external factors for happiness. Ultimately, the pursuit of happiness is a deeply personal journey that involves multiple factors, including self-awareness, personal choices, relationships, and mind-set.

Many persons have achieved happiness by exploring astrology under the guidance of Pandit ji. Be it the marriage decision or the caesarean birth date of their kids, choice to start the business and the decision to choose business partners.